Shaking & Joint Mobility Routine 1.0

Shaking & Joint Mobility Routine 1.0 - Follow Along - Movement Warm Up

This routine can be done as a stand alone session, or can be done before or after any other movement session.

Shaking & vibrating is a way for our bodies to release stress & trauma from our nervous system and calm our bodies down. If you have a dog, how many times do you see them shake per day?

Implementing daily shaking is one of the easiest entry points into practice, where we can release unnecessary tension in our nervous system, musculoskeletal system, increasing blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and “shaking the Etch A Sketch clean,” so to speak. For daily hygiene, I see this as akin to taking an internal shower.

Moving your joints through their full range of motion everyday, is a great way to keep the fuzz away! (Youtube: “Gil Hedley: Fascia and Stretching: The Fuzz Speech”) This has been a part of my daily practice for 9 years, and it is one of my secret weapons. For one, taking the joint through its full range of motion, is going to “lubricate” the joints so to speak, with synovial fluid. Think of this as the WD-40 for your joints.

Another benefit is that by taking the joint to its end ranges of motion, the receptors within the joint are going to be sending a strong signal to your brain, about where that joint is in space. By doing this every single day, you build a higher definition, more pixelated perception of where each joint is, and improve your motor control within that region.

This has a tremendous carry over not only into your daily life and living more pain free, but also to being able to train, practice, and perform at a high level.

The best way to develop a physical skill can be argued about til tomorrow, but the surefire way to NOT get the skill faster, is to get injured. Daily joint rotations have been a staple for me in mitigating injuries BEFORE they happen, as best I can.


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